The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
284 lines
Date: 01-17-1991 Time: 21:30:00
Introductory Information -- Executable Program
Copyright 1985-1991 by Paul Munoz-Colman. All rights reserved.
┌─────┴───┐ │ (R)
──│ │o │──────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │────────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
│ Paul Muñoz─Colman │ Phone: (703) 435─1110 (home) │
│ 11645 Charter Oak Ct., #201 │ 487─8658 (office) │
│ Reston, VA 22090─4526 │ 71141,1224 CompuServe or PCMagNet │
Personal Calendar (PC) is a popular, and useful program which I have worked on
since early 1985. PC displays a three-month scrollable calendar, a running
analog and digital clock, and a time-oriented event list and a text note list,
each 300 in capacity. A modifiable historical tracking is made of events and
notes, all printable. Warnings and alarms tell when something is pending or
Driven by a simple flexible menu interface, Personal Calendar can be a TSR (pop
up program) or not, as you choose; TSR use interrupts you at the earliest
event. As a TSR, an extremely small 6K byte kernel remains in DOS memory, with
the balance swapped to EMS or disk. TSR programming is extremely stable and
The program on this diskette or Bulletin Board System (BBS) download is
contained on an authenticated compressed archive file. The file is in one of
two forms: either a self-extracting archive or a normal archive file. This
archive was created with PKWARE's Shareware ZIP compression software, version
1.10. The file is named as follows --
PCnnnn.EXE - Self-extracting ZIP file [diskette version]
or PCnnnn.ZIP - Normal ZIP file (you need PKUNZIP to extract) [BBS version]
"nnnn" is the version number (i.e. PC1420.EXE is the self-extracting archive
for Personal Calendar Version 14.20). There is no difference in the file
content of the two formats; just in the way you extract information from them.
To extract this program (either new or as an update), just type the name of the
self-extracting .EXE file, including the correct version number. If you have
the .ZIP file, use PKUNZIP instead. Examples for the self-extracting .EXE
PC1420 Extracts to your current directory
or PC1420 d:\path Extracts to drive and subdirectory "d:\path"
or a:PC1420 Extracts from a floppy to your current drive
or PC1420 /h Help with PKWARE's self-extracting file program
Examples for the .ZIP file (note that you must obtain your own version of
PKUNZIP from your favorite Shareware supplier):
PKUNZIP PC1420 Extracts to your current directory
or PKUNZIP PC1420 d:\path Extracts to drive and subdirectory "d:\path"
or PKUNZIP a:PC1420 Extracts from a floppy to your current drive
or PKUNZIP /h Help with PKWARE's PKUNZIP program
See PACKING.LST for a list of the files which are extracted, and the purpose of
each. When you extract Personal Calendar, each of the files in PACKING.LST
will be extracted and written to the drive and directory you specified above.
If you have mailed in your license fee in accordance with the instructions in
file REGISTER.DOC, the file CALSER.DAT has been supplied to you on a diskette.
To enable the registered version of Personal Calendar, simply copy CALSER.DAT
from the diskette to the directory in which you have installed the program file
DO NOT modify the contents of CALSER.DAT, as doing so will invalidate the
registration data it contains.
If you already have an older version of Personal Calendar in the directory to
which you are writing, you will receive messages from PKSFX or PKUNZIP of the
following type:
PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 1.1 03-15-90
Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKSFX/h for help
PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
Searching EXE: C:/PC1420.EXE - Personal Calendar (Executable), Version 14.20
PKSFX: Warning! file: CAL.EXE already exists. Overwrite (y/n)? y
Exploding: CAL.EXE -AV
Just answer "y" for each file for which the message appears, and the old
version will be replaced by the new one. After extracting the files, you may
delete the PCnnnn.EXE or PCnnnn.ZIP file, if you wish. However, if you give PC
to someone or upload it to a BBS, you *must* give the original PCnnnn.EXE or
.ZIP file only.
If your copy of Personal Calendar has been registered, this update process will
not change that registration; make sure your CALSER.DAT file stays in PC's
After extracting the files, and after you're satisfied that PC is working to
your satisfaction, you may delete any old PCnnnn.EXE or PCnnnn.ZIP files. You
should ALWAYS keep the current PCnnnn.EXE/.ZIP archive file.
If under DOS 2.x, Personal Calendar's installation directory must be the
current directory. If under DOS 3 or later, PC may be run from any directory.
To run PC, at the DOS prompt, type --
CAL (if under DOS 2.x)
[d:][\path\]CAL (if under DOS 3 or later)
The Help Text in the program IS the users manual for Personal Calendar, and may
be consulted at any time from within the program by pressing F5 (function key
5), or by selecting "Help" from the Main Menu. Additionally, you may also
print the Help Text from within the program.
New features in recent versions of Personal Calendar are documented in the
HISTORY.DOC file, which may be printed from DOS with the PRINT command.
Personal Calendar may be distributed under the terms of the "Trial-Use and
Limited Distribution License" contained in file LICENSE.DOC. BBS SysOps please
consult file SYSOP.DOC for my policy on distribution of Personal Calendar by
BBS. Disk Vendors and user groups please consult file VENDOR.DOC.
You may not distribute the CALSER.DAT registration file to anyone not covered
by your software license. Personal Calendar source code is available only to
registered users of the program, and then by further registration.
You may try Personal Calendar for a 30-day period on an evaluation basis at no
charge. If you like the program and wish to keep it, you must pay the $35
license fee plus shipping and applicable tax, returning the ORDER FORM and
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT according to the instructions in REGISTER.DOC. Note
that the source code is licensed for an additional $35, only upon licensing of
the executable program.
Be sure to specify 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" diskettes. The program diskette which I
send you will contain your personal validation file CALSER.DAT to enable the
registered mode for this and all future versions.
PC is written in Microsoft Professional Development System (PDS) BASIC 7.10
(the BC command-line compiler, not the QuickBASIC Extended (QBX) environment),
and uses the following MicroHelp support packages:
. Stay-Res Plus (version 4.00),
. Mach2 (version 2.51),
. QB/Pro 1-4 (version 1.50),
. QB/Pro 7 (version 1.10),
. Toolbox 2 (version 1.10)
All of the MicroHelp libraries are BC 7-compatible. The program is bound by
segmented-executable LINK version 5.10.
Enjoy Personal Calendar! I welcome discussion of my program or any related
topic, if you are interested. If you wish the source code, you can order it
from me as file PSnnnn.ZIP when you register.
Paul Muñoz-Colman Phone numbers:
11645 Charter Oak Ct., #201 (703) 435-1110 -- home
Reston, VA 22090-4526 (703) 487-8658 -- office
or 71141,1224 on CompuServe (IBMSYS and MSLANG forums)
or on the following EXCELLENT bulletin boards --
(703) 323-6423 & -1782 (707) 778-8944 & -8841
Gregg Snyder, SysOp Vern & Julie Buerg, SysOps
THE BREAK EAST BBS (The phone number of the new
(703) 680-9269 BREAK WEST will be published when
Bruce Jackson, SysOp available, Jim Thompson, SysOp)
Leave a message for me, if you wish. I make a point of placing recent and
major upgrades on these boards, and when released, they are available there for
│ │
│ PLEASE NOTE! You can be SURE that you have received an authentic copy │
│ of Personal Calendar ONLY if the following message appears after │
│ extracting any, every, and all files from this archive. Please contact │
│ me if the authentication signature does not occur! (Version 1.10 or │
│ later of PKUNZIP is required to reveal the authentication data; this is │
│ automatic for a self-extracting archive.) │
│ │
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│ │
│ Exploding: CAL.EXE -AV <-- "-AV" appears on EVERY file │
│ │
│ Authentic files Verified! # NPU161 Paul Munoz-Colman │
│ │
The contents of this archive are as follows (note the size and CRC-32 value on
file README.DOC will not be correct):
PKZIP (R) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 1.1 03-15-90
Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help
PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
Searching ZIP: PC1420.ZIP - Personal Calendar (Executable), Version 14.20
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ----
114022 Stored 114022 0% 01-17-91 21:30 031683f5 --w CAL.EXE
21200 Implode 3582 84% 01-17-91 21:30 38afaef9 --w CALERROR.DAT
83040 Implode 22360 74% 01-17-91 21:30 0a001e5c --w CALHELP.DAT
4869 Implode 1924 61% 01-17-91 21:30 f86d4d1d --w CALINIT.DAT
3740 Implode 1446 62% 01-17-91 21:30 0b17673e --w CALNAMES.DAT
12 Stored 12 0% 01-17-91 21:30 3560c47a --w CALPOPUP.COM
293 Shrunk 274 7% 01-17-91 21:30 e5c8706a --w CALREMOV.COM
14088 Implode 5677 60% 01-17-91 21:30 cb0220d1 --w HISTORY.DOC
8533 Implode 3238 63% 01-17-91 21:30 9d898300 --w REGISTER.DOC
20963 Implode 7680 64% 01-17-91 21:30 12e45537 --w LICENSE.DOC
4562 Implode 2077 55% 01-17-91 21:30 70c23c65 --w SITELICE.DOC
4663 Implode 2207 53% 01-17-91 21:30 5fd485cf --w WARRANTY.DOC
5616 Implode 2748 52% 01-17-91 21:30 a8c5d30a --w SYSOP.DOC
14275 Implode 5642 61% 01-17-91 21:30 9f512bcd --w VENDOR.DOC
18837 Implode 7908 59% 01-17-91 21:30 265d30aa --w SHARWARE.DOC
3072 Implode 1408 55% 01-17-91 21:30 6980adc0 --w PACKING.LST
12945 Implode 5080 61% 01-17-91 21:30 ae2b7fa8 --w README.DOC
------ ------ --- -------
334730 187285 45% 17